Sunday, 15 March 2009

Day 53

Another two bloody awful days.
For the first time since I started the course I've experienced dizziness and nausea along with the fatigue.
I slept virtually the whole day yesterday and today looks like being the same.

Since I started the course I've had around 8 good days where I've been able to function normally.
Unfortunately 4 of these were spent at the hospital so I wasn't able to make the most of them.

I'm really looking forward to next week when the chemo should start to wear off and I can go to the pub and have a pint or two.
Although I've read that chemo can take weeks or in some rare cases even months to leave your system completely.

I started this blog for two reasons, firstly to keep track of my own progress so that I could plan my days in advance of each course.
Unfortunately chemo doesn't follow a distinct pattern and you have to just take each day as it comes.

The other reason is to give those who will be taking chemo themselves an idea of what to expect and a little advice on how to deal with it.
Obviously though, people are different, and some will probably have a worse time than I did.
Apart from the tiredness I haven't suffered too much but even so it hasn't been a pleasant two months.

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