Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Starting Chemo

The first session of chemo was at Maidstone Hospital on 19th January 09.
For the first three days I had no noticeable effects, although I did have some reaction to the steroids which you take while on chemo.
I was waking at 4 in the morning and I had one hell of an appetite, still do.

For the first few days I was eating a huge fried breakfast every morning. I realised I couldn't keep doing that, no point defeating cancer only to die of a massive heart attack.
So I now have one big blowout on Sundays and stick to cereal the rest of the week.

On Day 4 the chemo started to kick in, I started to feel extremely tired from lunchtime onwards and this continued for the rest of the week.
I got ulcers in my mouth and my lips were very sore.

On Day 7 I took my second dose of chemo at home in tablet form.

On Day 10 I started to really feel the side effects associated with chemo.
This is when resistance to infection is at its lowest level.
My legs felt like lead and I felt like I'd just run a marathon.
I was unable to do much, just getting dressed was a major effort.
This lasted for the next few days until Day 15 when I started to feel normal again.

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