Wednesday, 4 February 2009

My Worst Nightmare

I discovered about two weeks before Xmas 2008 that I have a lung tumour.
To be given this news at any time would be a hard pill to swallow but to be told while planning a big family get together was devastating.

Worst news was yet to come as if it could get any worse.
The tumour is in the tube at the entrance to the lung so surgery is out of the question.
The only options available are a combination of Chemotherapy followed by Radiation Therapy.
As it was so close to Xmas my treatment won't start until the New Year.

After recovering from the initial shock we were faced with a dilemma.
Do we tell the family or do we try to hide it from them until after Xmas?
My partner made the decision for us, she was too upset to keep it hidden and it didn't take long for our daughter to figure something was seriously wrong.
So we made the decision to tell the family.

Although Xmas could easily have become a pretty morbid affair this wasn't the case.
We put my illness to the back of our minds and for the sake of the grand children we made it a Xmas holiday to remember.

Unfortunately Xmas didn't last forever and once New Years Eve was passed it was time to face reality.
I started chemo in January.

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